Chinese Media Watch: Decoupling or De-Risking? China’s State Media Sees Little Difference

Since early 2023, “de-risking” has become the key concept of the EU’s approach to relations with Beijing. The term has been promoted as an alternative to “decoupling”, which would mean an all-out disengagement from relations with China and which has never been seen as realistic or desirable by the mainstream of EU policymakers. Meanwhile, Chinese… Continue reading Chinese Media Watch: Decoupling or De-Risking? China’s State Media Sees Little Difference

Throwing a Party for the CCP: The Sixth Plenum and the Third ‎‎“Resolution on History”‎

In July the CCP turned a hundred years old, and its leaders have just thrown a party to celebrate the occasion in the form of the plenary session of the Nineteenth Central Committee that took place in Beijing on 8-11 November 2021. Although the Communiqué published on the final day of the plenum and its… Continue reading Throwing a Party for the CCP: The Sixth Plenum and the Third ‎‎“Resolution on History”‎

WHO | WHERE | WHEN – International Travel of the PRC Leaders (1949-2020)

Čínski komunisti hľadajú oporu v histórii

Si Ťin-pching začína otvorene hovoriť o nadradenosti čínskeho politického systému. Stránky hlavných straníckych médií v Číne hlásajú v poslednom čase štart novej ideologickej kampane. Má byť zameraná na štúdium dejín vládnucej komunistickej strany. Ako sa strana blíži k tohtoročným oslavám storočnice jej vzniku, monopol politickej moci čoraz viac ospravedlňuje svojou historickou misiou. Odstrašujúci príklad ZSSR… Continue reading Čínski komunisti hľadajú oporu v histórii


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