Slovensko-čínske vzťahy bez vízie

Slovenskej politike stále chýba vo vzťahoch s Čínou vízia. Nedarí sa nám dosiahnuť významnejšie úspechy. Dôvodov je niekoľko, no hlavný je ten, že o tom ani len konštruktívne nediskutujeme. Zmení to nová politická reprezentácia? Ministerka pôdohospodárstva Gabriela Matečná (SNS) sa nedávno vyjadrila, že prezidentkina kritika ľudskoprávnych pomerov v Čínskej ľudovej republike môže nepriaznivo ovplyvniť plánovaný… Continue reading Slovensko-čínske vzťahy bez vízie

Infographic: V4 + Serbia and Chinese Investment

All quiet on the Eastern front: Chinese investments in Central Europe are still marginal

In the CEE countries, Chinese investments amount to a little more than 1 per cent of China’s total commitment in the EU – the 11 EU members attracted in total less Chinse FDI than Finland. This shows that what counts for Chinese investors is primarily technology, small deposits of which were bought out long time… Continue reading All quiet on the Eastern front: Chinese investments in Central Europe are still marginal

Political and security implications of Chinese investment in Slovakia

The following text is a summary of an invitation-only seminar organized by the Institute of Asian Studies (IAS) in Bratislava in April 2019, attended by the representatives of several ministries and state bodies, experts from universities and think-tanks as well as journalists. The summary presents an interpretation of the discussion from the perspective of the… Continue reading Political and security implications of Chinese investment in Slovakia


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