National Perspectives on Europe’s De-risking from China

The “de-risking” of relations with China has become an organizing principle for the European Union (EU) since it was first put forward by President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen in March 2023. As is often the case with the EU, however, what is said in Brussels is not always understood in the… Continue reading National Perspectives on Europe’s De-risking from China

Collateral Damage: Slovakia Caught in the China-EU Crossfire

Beijing wants to retaliate against Europe’s investigation into Chinese EV subsidies. An aspiring friend would be the worst hit. On May 21, the China Chamber of Commerce in the European Union announced that they have learned from well-informed sources about the Chinese government’s plans to impose a 25 percent tariff on the import of large automobiles from… Continue reading Collateral Damage: Slovakia Caught in the China-EU Crossfire

Obchodné vojny zasiahli aj Slovensko. Vláda čelí dileme

Čínska reakcia na clá na dovoz čínskych áut môže poškodiť slovenskú ekonomiku. Čínska obchodná komora v Európskej únii minulý týždeň oznámila, že sa z dobre informovaných zdrojov dozvedela o plánoch čínskej vlády zaviesť 25-percentné clo na dovoz veľkých automobilov z Európskej únie. Čína tento krok plánuje v reakcii na európske vyšetrovanie neprimeranej pomoci čínskej vlády… Continue reading Obchodné vojny zasiahli aj Slovensko. Vláda čelí dileme


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