2023: China on the Slovak social media – Anti-system voices prevail

On the first anniversary of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine (24 February 2023), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC unveiled its proposal for a ‘Ukraine Peace Plan’, a 12-point policy pamphlet presenting China’s views of global affairs, ongoing conflict, and what it views as potential solutions. While explicitly welcomed by Vladimir Putin during a… Continue reading 2023: China on the Slovak social media – Anti-system voices prevail

From East with Love: Dissecting Pro-China Bias in Czech and Slovak Alternative Media

A brand new MapInfluenCE analysis by a team of researchers based in both Czechia and Slovakia, with contributions by CEIAS experts Matej Šimalčík and Barbara Kelemen, examines China-related narratives on five specific topics (5G, Chinese investment, Hong Kong protests, Xinjiang, and Taiwan) in the ‘alternative media’ in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The paper focuses… Continue reading From East with Love: Dissecting Pro-China Bias in Czech and Slovak Alternative Media

Slovensko ako nový vyzývateľ Číny v otázkach ľudských práv

Zo Slovenska sa po februárových voľbách postupne stáva hlasný kritik porušovania ľudských ‎práv v Číne.‎ V novembri 2017 slovenský premiér Robert Fico vyhlásil: „Musí nám ‎záležať na tom, aby naše vzťahy s Čínou boli partnerské, priateľské a ak budeme ‎tejto destinácii venovať dostatočnú pozornosť, môže to priniesť ovocie.“ Tento ‎výrok celkom presne ilustruje podstatu vzťahov… Continue reading Slovensko ako nový vyzývateľ Číny v otázkach ľudských práv

China’s propaganda and disinformation campaigns in Central Europe

A new policy paper based on research undertaken by the MapInfluenCE project reveals the evolving nature of Chinese propaganda, both overt and covert, in Central Europe. Bolstered by collaborative research across the Visegrad nations, ongoing shifts in propaganda strategy are revealed in the paper, with cyberspace becoming the battlefield of choice more and more often.… Continue reading China’s propaganda and disinformation campaigns in Central Europe

Slovakia: A New Challenger of China’s Human Rights Record?

A small state in Central Europe is emerging as a loud critic of China’s human rights violations. In November 2017, Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico quipped that the country “must care about maintaining a friendly partnership with China, if we pay enough attention to it, we will reap fruits.” This quite illustrates the essence of Slovakia’s engagement… Continue reading Slovakia: A New Challenger of China’s Human Rights Record?


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