Is Vietnam’s Economic Blip a Blessing in Disguise?

The current stagnation could shock the ruling Communist Party into putting economic policy back into sensible hands. Pick up an article about Vietnam’s anti-corruption campaign and chances are it will be described as a “blazing furnace.” That’s a confection of its architect, Communist Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong. But give ear to something else he said… Continue reading Is Vietnam’s Economic Blip a Blessing in Disguise?

Slovakia and the democracies of ‎Northeast Asia: Partnerships rooted in values

In this paper, CEIAS authors aim to evaluate the current state of play of Slovakia’s relations with the three Northeast Asian democracies – South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. To this end, the publication focuses on three distinct aspects of mutual relations – political, economic, and people-to-people relations. While the analysis of relations focuses especially on… Continue reading Slovakia and the democracies of ‎Northeast Asia: Partnerships rooted in values

Trampoty čínskych miliardárov

Rebríček najbohatších Číňanov sa každý rok výrazne obmieňa. Okrem ekonomických faktorov je za fluktuáciou aj časté zatýkanie, úrazy a úmrtia. Najnovšie vydanie rebríčka najbohatších Číňanov, takzvaného Hurun Reportu, prinieslo niekoľko noviniek. Na vrchol sa s 39 miliardami dolárov po roku vrátil Jack Ma z Alibaby. Medzi nováčikmi v zozname sa najvýraznejšie uviedol bývalý inžinier Googlu Colin Huang, ktorého elektronický obchod… Continue reading Trampoty čínskych miliardárov


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