Limited Payoff for China’s Investment in Central and Eastern Europe

Rozhovor nášho Richarda Q. Turcsányiho pre World Politics Review  Last month, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the Czech Republic, where he signed more than 30 deals worth nearly $4 billion. In an email interview, Richard Turcsanyi, the deputy director of the Institute for Asian Studies, Bratislava, discussed Chinese investment in Central and Eastern Europe. WPR: How extensive is… Continue reading Limited Payoff for China’s Investment in Central and Eastern Europe

Chinese investments and financial engagement in Visegrad countries: Myth or reality ?

The main output of the research project coordinated by the Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies HAS, Budapest is the publication of Chinese investments and financial engagement in Visegrad countries: Myth or reality. The book analyses the Chinese investments in Visegrad countries before and after the crisis with a special focus… Continue reading Chinese investments and financial engagement in Visegrad countries: Myth or reality ?


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