Exploring ideological differences in Taiwanese perceptions of cross-strait relations

This is an exploratory research that seeks to investigate how ideology predicts Taiwanese perceptions of cross-strait relations, including attitudes toward Taiwan independence, perceptions of mainland China and Chinese people, Chinese invasion of Taiwan, and Chinese democracy. We took an inductive approach to left-right differences in Taiwan to offer a more systematic empirical understanding of ideology… Continue reading Exploring ideological differences in Taiwanese perceptions of cross-strait relations

Image of China in Slovakia: ambivalence, adoration, and fake news

The paper looks into the image of China in Slovakia. Following the period of relative disinterest of the media in majority of topics connected with China, media are starting to pay increasingly more attention towards China and various aspects of its development, domestic policy, and foreign affairs. Increased media coverage of China begs to ask… Continue reading Image of China in Slovakia: ambivalence, adoration, and fake news

Perception of China among V4 Political Elites

This policy paper by CEIAS and partners Association for International Affairs (CZ), Central, Eastern European Center of Asian Studies (HU), and Center for International Relations (PL) aims to explore the perception of China among the political elites of the V4 countries (Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, and Poland). This publication attempts to look within the “black box”… Continue reading Perception of China among V4 Political Elites

Vnímanie Číny politickými elitami vo V4

Tento policy paper z dielne CEIAS (Stredoeurópsky inštitút ázijských štúdií) spolu s viacerými partnermi – českou Asociaci pro mezinárodní otázky,  maďarským  Central and Eastern European Center of Asian Studies a poľským Centrom medzinárodných vzťahov  skúma vnímanie Číny politickými elitami z krajín V4 (Slovenska, Česka, Maďarska a Poľska). Publikácia sa pokúša odomknúť “čiernu skrinku” štátov V4… Continue reading Vnímanie Číny politickými elitami vo V4


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