Danko chce z našich daní dotovať bravčové mäso pre Číňanov

Predseda SNS Andrej Danko sa snaží, aby Slovensko exportovalo bravčové mäso do Číny. Ide tým proti svojej vlastnej politike na podporu spotreby domácich poľnohospodárskych produktov. Predseda parlamentu Andrej Danko minulý týždeň kritizoval prezidentku Zuzanu Čaputovú za spomenutie témy ľudských práv pri prijatí čínskeho ministra zahraničných vecí Wang Yi. Danko okrem iného spomenul, že jej konanie… Continue reading Danko chce z našich daní dotovať bravčové mäso pre Číňanov

Čínské omyly súdruha Blahu

Čaputovej kritika stavu ľudských práv v Číne na stretnutí s ministrom Wangom bude podľa Ľuboša Blahu stáť Slovensko „kopu prachov“. Blaha sa však zásadne mýli. V stredu 10. júla sa prezidentka Zuzana Čaputová stretla s čínskym ministrom zahraničia a štátnym radcom (v Číne ide o post vyšší od ministra) Wang Yi, ktorý bol na stredoeurópskom turné. Okrem obligátnej diskusie… Continue reading Čínské omyly súdruha Blahu

Political and security implications of Chinese investment in Slovakia

The following text is a summary of an invitation-only seminar organized by the Institute of Asian Studies (IAS) in Bratislava in April 2019, attended by the representatives of several ministries and state bodies, experts from universities and think-tanks as well as journalists. The summary presents an interpretation of the discussion from the perspective of the… Continue reading Political and security implications of Chinese investment in Slovakia

No Belt No Road- Slovakia on the margins of China’s BRI initiative

More than five years have passed since the Chinese leader Xi Jinping announced the massive geo-economic plan that later took shape of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). In CEE, the BRI came on the heels of the 16+1 cooperation mechanism, which was formed by China and the 16 CEE countries in 2012. Both projects brought… Continue reading No Belt No Road- Slovakia on the margins of China’s BRI initiative

Panorama of Global Security Environment: 2017-2018

IAS analysts authored two chapters in the 2017-2018 edition of the Panorama of Global Security Environment published by STRATPOL. Panorama is one of the most authoritative publications in Central Europe on international relations and security on a global scale. The contributions published in Panorama are peer-reviewed and listed in the Thompson Reuters Science Citation Index.… Continue reading Panorama of Global Security Environment: 2017-2018


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