Antonina Łuszczykiewicz

Research Fellow

Dr. Antonina Łuszczykiewicz is a former Fulbright senior scholar at Indiana University-Bloomington, USA. Until February 2023, she served as the founding director of the Taiwan Lab research center at the Jagiellonian University (JU) in Kraków, Poland. She has published three books and a wide range of articles, focusing on China-India-US relations, Poland-Taiwan relations, the image of Indians and Chinese in literature and film, and the Cold War history. She is presently a non-resident fellow of the Taiwan Center for Security Studies at the National Chengchi University in Taipei. Dr. Łuszczykiewicz was educated and gained her research experience at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Xi’an Jiaotong University in China, and the University of Cambridge. She is an assistant professor at the JU Institute of the Middle and Far East. Research interests: China-India relations, Sino-American relations, Poland-Taiwan relations and EU affairs, Cross-Strait Relations


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