Atsuko Higashino

Advisory Board member

Dr. Atsuko Higashino is Professor in the faculty of International Studies at University of ‎Tsukuba, Japan. She is currently a visiting fellow at the ANU Centre for European Studies ‎‎(ANUCES). She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from University of Birmingham, the ‎United Kingdom, and an MA and BA in Political Science from Keio University, Japan. Before ‎working at University of Tsukuba, she was a Lecturer at University of Birmingham and ‎Associate Professor at Hiroshima City University. She also worked as a special assistant for ‎the Japanese Delegation to the OECD in Paris, where she was in charge of researches on the ‎outreach activities of the OECD. Dr. Higashino is currently teaching International Relations, ‎International History, and politics and policies of the European Union. Her research interests ‎include EU enlargement (Turkey and the Western Balkans), European Neighbourhood ‎Policy (ENP) and Eastern Partnership (EaP). Currently, she has written extensively on the ‎Russian invasion to Ukraine and EU's response to it.‎



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