Bonny Ling

Advisory Board member

Dr Bonny Ling is Executive Director of Work Better Innovations, an international research ‎consultancy working on new ideas for a responsible economy; and Senior Non-Resident Fellow ‎with the University of Nottingham Taiwan Research Hub. She is also a Research Fellow at the ‎international think-tank, Institute for Human Rights and Business; a Global Taiwan Institute ‎Scholar (2023) and Visiting Assistant Professor at the School of Law, National Yang Ming Chiao ‎Tung University, where she teaches a postgraduate course on business and human rights. She ‎holds a PhD in Law from the Irish Centre for Human Rights, an MPhil in Criminology from ‎Cambridge University and an MA in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School. She served as ‎a Human Rights Officer for the UN peacekeeping mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as an ‎international election observer for the OSCE in Eastern Europe. She writes on human rights, ‎migration, business responsibilities, and international development for the CommonWealth ‎Magazine, Ketagalan Media, New Bloom, Taipei Times, Taiwan Insight, and The News Lens.‎



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