Grigorij Mesežnikov

Advisory Board member

Grigorij Mesežnikov is a political scientist, president of the Institute for Public Affairs (IVO). He has ‎published expert studies on party systems’ development and political aspects of transformation in ‎post-communist societies, illiberal and authoritarian tendencies, populism, radicalism and nationalism ‎in various monographs, collections and scholarly journals in Slovakia and other countries. He regularly ‎contributes analyses of Slovakia’s political scene to domestic and foreign media. Since 1993, he has ‎been an external correspondent for Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe. He has edited and authored ‎dozens of books, including the Global Reports on Slovakia (1995 – 2011), the comprehensive analysis of ‎country’s development in all relevant sectors of society. He was a key author of the report on Slovakia ‎in Nations in Transit published by Freedom House (1998 – 2014). In 2006 he was awarded by Reagan-‎Fascell Fellowship by the National Endowment for Democracy (Washington, D.C.), in 2012 he was a ‎research fellow of Taiwan Fellowship Program at the Department of Political Science of National ‎Taiwan University in Taipei where he researched similarities and differences of democratization and ‎civil society development in Taiwan and in Central Europe. In 2019 – 2020 he was a fellow of the ‎Institute for Human Science – Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (Vienna) at the Europe’s ‎Futures program.‎



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