India-V4 Relations: Current State and the Way Forward


Feb 1, 2025 in Projects

India-V4 Relations: Current State and the Way Forward

CEIAS is conducting a comprehensive study on India’s relations with the Visegrad Group countries  Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. In light of recent global political developments, the study serves as a timely and valuable contribution to strengthening the bilateral relations between the V4 states and India, and understanding their role in the broader EU-India partnership.

This project will provide an in-depth analysis of India-V4 relations, evaluating their historical foundations, current dynamics, and opportunities for future cooperation at both the bilateral level and within the India-V4 Group. The study will present a cross-cutting analysis of India’s engagement with each V4 country in political, economic, and people-to-people relations by exploring their origins, assessing the present state, and suggesting recommendations for strengthening cooperation. At the same time, the study will set India-V4 relations within the broader context of EU-India engagement. Last but not least, by collaborating with Indian partners, the paper will reflect and incorporate India’s perspective

Donor: The Embassy of India in Slovakia

Duration: February – May 2025

Contact: Vladimíra Ličková (lickova@ceias.eu)



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81104 Bratislava

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