Limited welcome: Protecting the media from hostile foreign influence

The coronavirus pandemic has shown how important the media are – an essential tool for communication between citizens and government in the time of crisis. In the new policy paper, Matej Šimalčík and Ivana Karásková (Association for International Affairs, Prague) analyze tools which can be used to safeguard media from hostile foreign influence. The coronavirus… Continue reading Limited welcome: Protecting the media from hostile foreign influence

China’s Sticks and Carrots in Central Europe: The Logic and Power of Chinese Influence

A new comparative study of the MapInfluenCE project has revealed that China has been using a targeted mix of ‘carrots’ and ‘sticks’ to increase its influence in Central European countries. Findings reveal that China does not use a ‘one size fits all’  approach towards the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia, instead relying on varying… Continue reading China’s Sticks and Carrots in Central Europe: The Logic and Power of Chinese Influence

Investície a národná bezpečnosť: Ako sa brániť pred bezpečnostnými rizikami čínskych investícií?

Ekonomická kríza spôsobená pandémiou ochorenia COVID-19 vyvolala obavy o osud európskych firiem, a to najmä tých pôsobiacich v strategických odvetviach ekonomiky. V priebehu apríla 2020 Marghrete Verstager, viceprezidentka Komisie EÚ, varovala pred hrozbou prevzatia európskych spoločností čínskymi investormi. Toto varovanie prišlo v čase, kedy sa EÚ a viaceré členské štáty čoraz intenzívnejšie zaoberajú otázkou ekonomického… Continue reading Investície a národná bezpečnosť: Ako sa brániť pred bezpečnostnými rizikami čínskych investícií?

Entering the Void: Chinese illicit networks in Mexico

This CEIAS paper aims to shed light on cooperation between Chinese businesses and Mexican criminal groups. It specifically analyzes cases related to drug trafficking and the exploitation of natural resources in three states in Mexico. The topic is particularly relevant for countries in Latin America that have been expanding their commercial ties with China. This… Continue reading Entering the Void: Chinese illicit networks in Mexico

China and the South China Sea Conflict: A Case for Confucian Strategic Culture?

Chinese actions in the South China Sea are often viewed as proof of an assertive China, despite the Chinese claims that their Confucian values make China a peaceful power. This paper analyzes the South China Sea conflict through a prism of strategic culture theory and examines both the Chinese narrative on the conflict as well… Continue reading China and the South China Sea Conflict: A Case for Confucian Strategic Culture?


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