Chinese Media Watch: Netizens calling for taking Taiwan by force

Taiwan Presidential Palace, © CEphoto, Uwe Aranas

After Tsai Ing-wen’s re-election in Taiwan, Chinese state media commented on the result with disappointment, accusing Tsai of using “dirty tactics”, criticizing Washington for constant interference in the regional leadership election, and reiterating Beijing’s consistent and firm stance against any pro-independence movement in Taiwan. Vocal groups of Chinese netizens expressed their disappointment over China’s policies… Continue reading Chinese Media Watch: Netizens calling for taking Taiwan by force

Chinese Media Watch: China-EU & China-CEEC Cooperation in 2019

Dubrovnik, 11.04.2019 - Zajedni?ka fotografija šefova izaslanstava država srednje i isto?ne Europe i Kine na ulazu u Stari grad u Dubrovniku. Na slici predsjednik Vlade Republike Hrvatske Andrej Plenkovi?, predsjednik Državnog vije?a Narodne Republike Kine Li Keqiang. foto HINA/ Damir SEN?AR /ds

April 2019 brought about the annual succession of China-related summitry for the European countries: the EU-China summit and the meeting of the China-CEEC Cooperation (with the “16+1” transforming into “17+1”). First, the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang met with the representatives of the EU institutions in Brussels on April 9. This was followed by the… Continue reading Chinese Media Watch: China-EU & China-CEEC Cooperation in 2019

Chinese Media Watch: Pompeo’s United Front against Huawei?

In mid-February, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland, cautioning European allies against cooperation with China and Russia, as well as relying on Huawei technology in 5G networks and other critical infrastructure. In the latest issue of the Chinese Media Watch, authors Runya T. Qiaoan and Matej Šimalčík analyze the discourse… Continue reading Chinese Media Watch: Pompeo’s United Front against Huawei?

Chinese Media Watch: 16+1 & EU-China Summit

In July, the EU-China relations have undergone the annual flurry of summitry. First, on July 6-7 the meeting of the leaders of the members of the 16+1 cooperation mechanism grouping China and 16 Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries was held in Sofia, Bulgaria. This was the seventh 16+1 summit. It was followed by the… Continue reading Chinese Media Watch: 16+1 & EU-China Summit

Chinese Media Watch: Dalai Lama visits Central Europe

The consecutive meetings of Slovak president Andrej Kiska and Czech politicians with the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama have caused quite an upstir in both countries, and continue to reverberate through the political and media environment. In Slovakia, Prime Minister Róbert Fico has directly criticized the decision of president Kiska to meet with the Tibetan… Continue reading Chinese Media Watch: Dalai Lama visits Central Europe


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