Gendering security: rethinking the EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy through women, peace, and security

Key takeaways: Gender inequalities exacerbate security challenges. The EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, inherently a security strategy, necessitates a central role for Women, Peace, and Security (WPS). While comprehensive and forward-looking, the EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy falls short of prioritizing WPS which limits its ability to achieve its security objectives. Integrating WPS principles is crucial for the EU… Continue reading Gendering security: rethinking the EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy through women, peace, and security

Korčok’s call for China cooperation dangerous for Europe

Instead of aligning with Beijing, the EU should strengthen democratic partnerships to counter Trump. While Trump’s approach to Europe is reckless, turning to China is not the solution. Doing so would play into Beijing’s strategy of weakening US-EU cohesion and ignoring Europe’s own security interests. Former Slovak Minister and Presidential candidate Ivan Korčok’s call for greater… Continue reading Korčok’s call for China cooperation dangerous for Europe

Indonesia needs to look beyond the US in boosting its coast guard

Key takeaways: With a new Republican administration coming to power in the US, Southeast Asian countries seem to have low expectations from Washington and will have to prepare for weaker American engagement in the region. Considering its stewardship of key waterways, Indonesia should expand its coast guard training beyond its current cooperation with the US… Continue reading Indonesia needs to look beyond the US in boosting its coast guard

Global Gateway and Belt and Road Initiative in Southeast Asia

Key takeaways: The EU’s Global Gateway faces many hurdles in tackling China’s challenge in Southeast Asia. The EU needs to reflect the issues plaguing the Belt and Road Initiative in the region in shaping its own offer catering to local needs. Global Gateway needs sufficient funding and a more cohesive strategy and planning. In 2021,… Continue reading Global Gateway and Belt and Road Initiative in Southeast Asia

Has South Korea found its firm foothold in Central Europe?

The worsening security in Europe highlights the dangers of relying on high-risk states, pushing European countries to find new partners. Democratic East Asian nations, especially South Korea, are a promising option, as shown by the Czech government’s 2024 decision to award a major nuclear power plant contract to a South Korean company. Key takeaways: South… Continue reading Has South Korea found its firm foothold in Central Europe?


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