IAS interview s doc. Martinom Slobodníkom

IAS interview s docentom Martinom Slobodníkom, popredným slovenským tibetológom a sinológom. S docentom Slobodníkom sme sa rozprávali o súčasnej situácii v Tibete, politike čínskej vlády voči etnickým menšinám a perspektíve čínsko-tibetského dialógu. Interview vo formáte .pdf môžete stiahnuť tu…

IAS Interview with Dr.Teng Jianqun

IAS Interview with Dr. Teng Jianqun, director of the Department of American Studies and the Center for Arms Control and International Security Studies at the China Institute of International Studies. In our discussion with Dr.Teng, we touched on the question of China’s position on the Ukrainian crisis, the Asian pivot of the United States and… Continue reading IAS Interview with Dr.Teng Jianqun

IAS Interview s Dr. Teng Jianqun

IAS Interview s Dr. Teng Jianqunom, riaditeľom Oddelenia amerických štúdií Čínskeho inštitútu medzinárodných štúdií. S Dr. Tengom sme sa rozprávali o čínskej pozícii ku kríze na Ukrajine, ázijskom pivote Spojených štátov a teritoriálnych sporoch v Juhočínskom mori. Interview vo formáte .pdf môžete stiahnuť tu…

Security Implications for East Asia Post-Crimea

Many have sought to link the Ukraine crisis to the security situation in East Asia. Voices have been heard warning that China might follow suit in local territorial disputes, while others argue that due to its own internal problems it will stay quiet. But due to China’s favorable present global position, it can still balance… Continue reading Security Implications for East Asia Post-Crimea

Political instability in Thailand: A hazardous game with the country’s future

In the IAS Policy Paper, Filip Šebok analyses the development of the domestic political situation in Thailand, where yet another round of ongoing battle between the polarized political camps has raged since November 2013. Author also explores the implications of the current crisis on the Thai economy and foreign relations. This policy paper is only… Continue reading Political instability in Thailand: A hazardous game with the country’s future


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