IAS Interview with Dr. David Green

Professor Green teaches at Nagoya University’s Graduate School of Law and is a member of the University’s Leading Graduate Schools program. His research interests include Japanese political parties, Japanese economic policy and comparative immigration policy. We have met with Prof. Green to talk on Japanese politics and immigration. The interview can be accessed here…

IAS Interview with Prof. David Green

Professor Green teaches at Nagoya University’s Graduate School of Law and is a member of the University’s Leading Graduate Schools program. His research interests include Japanese political parties, Japanese economic policy and comparative immigration policy. We have met with Prof. Green to talk on Japanese politics and immigration. The interview can be accessed here…

Chinese Media Watch: Russia’s intervention in Syria. China’s condemnation or silent approval?

At the end of September 2015, Russia has stepped up military intervention in the Syrian Civil War. Such decision is from the Chinese point of view very delicate and Chinese media hold rather intricate views on this development. Quoting the words of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, the Chinese press condemn any military operations… Continue reading Chinese Media Watch: Russia’s intervention in Syria. China’s condemnation or silent approval?

Finančná represia v Číne: Viac peňazí znamená menej bohatstva

Koľko je v Číne peňazí? Jednou z hlavných ekonomických správ posledných dní je údaj o obrovskom odleve peňazí z Číny. Len v auguste odišlo z krajiny 94 miliárd dolárov, od začiatku roka je to takmer 500 miliárd. Nesporne sú to kvantá peňazí, aby sme však vedeli reálne posúdiť ich rozmer, musíme si ho zasadiť do kontextu.… Continue reading Finančná represia v Číne: Viac peňazí znamená menej bohatstva

The great schism behind Europe’s refugee crisis

The Chinese media has lately paid quite a close attention to the EU’s refugee crisis. In general it is agreed that the crisis poses a threat to Europe’s humanistic ideals and economic situation. At the same time, it puts EU’s integrity and responsiveness at test (难民潮引发的经济社会问题和人道主义危机,已成为欧洲一些国家难以承受之重,也考验着欧盟内部的团结和应对能力). Indeed, almost a minute coverage of this crisis paid… Continue reading The great schism behind Europe’s refugee crisis


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