Islamský štát v juhovýchodnej Ázii: Planý poplach alebo reálna hrozba?

Perspektíva nárastu vplyvu radikálneho islamizmu vo svete prináša do krajín juhovýchodnej Ázie nové výzvy, ktorým musia čeliť. V regióne žije240 miliónov moslimov, ktorí predstavujú približne 42% jeho celkového obyvateľstva. Z celosvetovej moslimskej populácie žije v juhovýchodnej Ázii asi jej štvrtina. Preto nie je prekvapením, že sa politickí vodcovia a ozbrojené sily krajín pripravujú na možný nárast radikalizmu a teroristických… Continue reading Islamský štát v juhovýchodnej Ázii: Planý poplach alebo reálna hrozba?

IAS Interview with Prof. Robert Sutter

IAS Interview with Prof. Robert Sutter, Professor of Practice of International Affairs at the Elliott School of George Washington University and the school’s Director of Program of Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs. Prof. Sutter is one of the foremost experts on the Chinese foreign policy, having authored more than 20 monographs and 200 scholarly articles… Continue reading IAS Interview with Prof. Robert Sutter

Chinese Media Watch: Belgrade Meeting of 16+1

Third Meeting of Heads of Government of China and Central and Eastern European Countries (“The Belgrade meeting”) took place in Serbia from 15th to 17th of December. The meeting in Belgrade hoped to provide for support of joint efforts to strengthen mutual financial and investment cooperation in the fields of agriculture, industry, internet technology, tourism,… Continue reading Chinese Media Watch: Belgrade Meeting of 16+1

End of Google in China?

The Chinese government is widely known for its tight control over the Internet in the country. There are more than 2 million people to monitor web activity; this does not apply to the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau, where most Chinese laws do not apply. Since last year’s run-up to the 25th… Continue reading End of Google in China?

Thai Monarchy: A Crisis in the Making

It has been a tumultuous year in Thailand. In May, the Thai army rushed to overthrow the remnants of a democratically elected government, putting an end to the months of protests which once again uncovered the deep political polarization of the Thai society. The actions of the military government (although nominally civil, with generals having… Continue reading Thai Monarchy: A Crisis in the Making


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