CEEasia Briefing #31: PPF’s exit from China, Taiwan’s ‘diplomacy of democracy’,, South Korea’s defense ties in Europe, North Korea recognizes Donetsk and Luhansk, EU-ASEAN cooperation

Welcome to the 31st issue of the #CEEasia Briefing. In this issue we dissect the following topics: PPF’s exit from China Taiwan’s ‘diplomacy of democracy’ in CEE South Korea’s defense ties in Europe North Korea recognizes Donetsk and Luhansk EU-ASEAN cooperation If you like what you see, please forward this message to your friends and colleagues who… Continue reading CEEasia Briefing #31: PPF’s exit from China, Taiwan’s ‘diplomacy of democracy’,, South Korea’s defense ties in Europe, North Korea recognizes Donetsk and Luhansk, EU-ASEAN cooperation

Chinese Media Watch: The changing focus on NATO as the primary instigator of “evil”

A relic of the Cold War era thinking and a hostility tool used by the US – that is how NATO could be described based on just a few articles in the Chinese media. The Alliance is routinely blamed for various aspects of the current global situation. Unsurprisingly, in response to the Madrid summit’s list… Continue reading Chinese Media Watch: The changing focus on NATO as the primary instigator of “evil”

Čínski investori sa búria: hypotekárne protesty môžu otriasť finančným systémom

V júli dominovali ekonomickým správam z Číny protesty sporiteľov a hypotekárne bojkoty. Hoci majú oba problémy odlišný priebeh, dopad a riešenie, medzi kľúčové dôvody patria spomalenie čínskej ekonomiky a proticovidové opatrenia. Čínska vláda používa radu klasických ale aj netradičných spôsobov na ich riešenie, avšak momentálne nie je ani zďaleka jasné, či budú stačiť a či… Continue reading Čínski investori sa búria: hypotekárne protesty môžu otriasť finančným systémom

Ukraine’s post-war recovery: opportunity for collaboration with Taiwan?

Post-war rebuilding will be an immense task while the economic and social damage in Ukraine in the wake of Russia’s invasion is unprecedented in Europe since WWII. It will require significant planning, international cooperation, and investment—very likely in the hundreds of billions of euros. Politicians and experts from Ukraine and around the world have already… Continue reading Ukraine’s post-war recovery: opportunity for collaboration with Taiwan?

Impact of Russian aggression against Ukraine on Taiwan’s security

At the turn of 2022, as Moscow’s large troop build-up along its shared border with Ukraine began, most of the international community and IR experts still did not believe that Russia would invade its western neighbor. There was no economic rationale for an open conflict since neither actor would benefit from it. However, as has… Continue reading Impact of Russian aggression against Ukraine on Taiwan’s security


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