Myanmar’s sustainable democracy: EU’s role amid US retreat under Trump 2.0

The EU’s proactive and inclusive approach to Myanmar’s crisis, amid a potential US policy shift under Trump 2.0, makes it a critical advocate for democracy, human rights, and sustainable democracy in Myanmar. Key takeaways: With a possible shift toward isolationist policies under a second Trump administration, the EU must fill the leadership void, using targeted… Continue reading Myanmar’s sustainable democracy: EU’s role amid US retreat under Trump 2.0

Picking up frogs in a torn bag: China’s unsustainable peacemaking in Myanmar

China’s ongoing peace efforts in Myanmar will not last long if Beijing continues to disregard important structural issues. Key takeaways: China’s attempt to intervene in the Myanmar conflict neither considers longstanding conflict dynamics nor strives to solve them. Beijing’s method of peacebuilding—forcing stakeholders to sit around a table and then pushing them to agree to… Continue reading Picking up frogs in a torn bag: China’s unsustainable peacemaking in Myanmar

Taiwan’s attempts to enact an asylum law: navigating politics, public opinion, and human rights

Taiwan, as a non-United Nations (UN) member, is not a party to the 1951 Refugee Convention—key international treaty that defines who qualifies as a refugee, their rights, and the legal obligations of states to protect them. It also lacks a domestic refugee law. Consequently, individuals seeking protection—whether self-identified refugees or those already recognized by the… Continue reading Taiwan’s attempts to enact an asylum law: navigating politics, public opinion, and human rights

Myanmar a Rusko jako spojenci v mezinárodní izolaci

Zatímco Západ izoluje Rusko a uvaluje na něj sankce za invazi na Ukrajinu, Moskva hledá nové způsoby, jak rozšířit svůj vliv a získat strategické partnery. Daří se jí to v Myanmaru, kde se od převratu v únoru 2021 postupně stala největším dodavatelem zbraní pro vojenskou juntu. Právě myanmarská armáda stále posiluje svůj vliv v zemi,… Continue reading Myanmar a Rusko jako spojenci v mezinárodní izolaci

A hidden key player? Thailand’s role in the Myanmar crisis

While China’s influence in the Myanmar conflict is often in the spotlight, Thailand’s unique and pivotal position in the crisis should not be overlooked. Key takeaways: Thailand remains one of the Myanmar junta’s most crucial allies, providing financial and diplomatic support, but carefully managing its role to avoid damaging its reputation. Bangkok also wields influence… Continue reading A hidden key player? Thailand’s role in the Myanmar crisis


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