Finally better times for dogs in China ?

Chinese habits are different in many ways from those European. One of them is the still present and popular habit of eating dog meat. Dog meat festivals have been organized annually in China. Fortunately more and more people care about animal rights and campaigns against dog meat festivals are spread over the internet, contributing to… Continue reading Finally better times for dogs in China ?

Zomrel otec Levieho mesta, Lee Kuan Yew

Lee Kuan Yew, otec zakladateľ Levieho mesta Singapuru, včera zomrel vo veku 91 rokov po niekoľkotýždňovej hospitalizácii s ťažkým zápalom pľúc. Jeho stav sa kriticky zhoršil v priebehu víkendu a v pondelok nadránom (singapurského času) ťažkostiam v nemocnici podľahol. Správu o jeho smrti médiám oznámil Leeho syn a súčasný premiér Lee Hsien Loong. Hoci je… Continue reading Zomrel otec Levieho mesta, Lee Kuan Yew

Chinese Media Watch: The Ukraine crisis

In the latest issue of the Chinese Media Watch we focus on the issues related to the ongoing turmoil in Ukraine and political developments in Russia. This issue brings light upon the Chinese media perception of the basic actors in the solving of the Ukraine crisis, their aspirations and political positions, the results of the Minsk… Continue reading Chinese Media Watch: The Ukraine crisis

Ohliadnutie za hnutím Occupy Central

V IAS Policy Paperi sa náš kolega Martin Šebeňa ohliada späť za dáždnikovým hnutím v Hongkongu. Hnutie podľa autora zanechalo dlhodobé dôsledky v tom, že upriamilo svetovú pozornosť na hongkonský boj o demokraciu, aktivizovalo mladú generáciu, diskreditovalo súčasný establišment (tak politické, ako aj biznis elity), prehĺbilo debatu o identite a potvrdilo odhodlanie bojovať o zmenu v dlhodobom horizonte.     Policy Paper si môžete… Continue reading Ohliadnutie za hnutím Occupy Central

Multilayered Nature of the North Korean Nuclear Issue

In the IAS Policy Paper, H.E. Sang-Hoon Park, Ambassador of South Korea in the Slovak Republic, presents multi-dimensional aspects of the North Korean nuclear issue. His analysis follows the national, regional and global dimensions, stressing the need of solving the issue not only unilaterally, but also bilaterally and multilaterally. Click here to read more


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