CEIAS launches Center for CEE-Taiwan Relations

by Matej Šimalčík

Apr 28, 2022 in Activities

CEIAS launches Center for CEE-Taiwan Relations

The last couple of years brought a dynamic development of the relations between Taiwan and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Several countries in the region have emerged as European avant-garde in promoting deeper engagement with Taiwan.

However, this newfound interest in engaging with Taiwan requires that mutual relations are underpinned by rigorous analysis and understanding of national and regional specifics. Lack of expertise could emerge as one of the key obstacles in the continued development of relations between Taiwan and EU member states, especially those located in the CEE.

Towards this end, CEIAS is launching the Center for CEE-Taiwan Relations, a new initiative and a specialized unit tasked with producing and disseminating expert knowledge necessary for ensuring sustainable development of relations between Taiwan and the EU, while having a special focus on the CEE countries.

The Center’s activities will be dedicated to three key pillars – economy, political relations and security, and grassroots interactions – which we will investigate in collaboration with both European and Taiwanese partners.

Thanks to the planned activities, we will be able to conduct accurate diagnostics of the current state of Taiwan-CEE relations and offer the necessary feedback and recommendations on how to improve the mutual relations to both Taiwanese and EU/CEE stakeholders.

For inquiries about the Center and its activities, contact Matej Šimalčík, CEIAS Executive Director (simalcik@ceias.eu).


Matej Šimalčík
Matej Šimalčík

Executive Director

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CEECenter for CEE-Taiwan RelationsTaiwan


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