Friends or foes? How diverging views of communist past undermine the China-CEE ‘16+1 platform’

China and the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries have been engaged recently in dynamic diplomatic exchanges under the umbrella of 16+1 platform and the Belt and Road Initiative. The article offers an explanation of why the massive Chinese diplomatic effort did not lead to an improved image of China in the CEE region. We… Continue reading Friends or foes? How diverging views of communist past undermine the China-CEE ‘16+1 platform’

How Should Europe Handle Relations with China?

Our Matej Šimalčík was one of the experts asked by ChinaFile about the challenges of EU-China Relations. Matej Šimalčík: Pundits, think tanks, and EU institutions have decried the Beijing-initiated 16+1 platform, which includes China and 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), for disrupting a united EU position on China. Indeed, some CEE countries that take part… Continue reading How Should Europe Handle Relations with China?

Quo Vadis 17+1?

Richard Turcsányi shared his view on the future of the China-CEE cooperation for CEECAS (Central and Eastern European Center for Asian Studies). Richard Turcsányi: When it comes to the question, how successful the 16+1 is, the answer depends on what one sees as goals of the 16+1 platform, but in any case, we are leaning… Continue reading Quo Vadis 17+1?

Behind the Huawei Backlash in Poland and the Czech Republic

Both cases point to a deeper problem with China’s Central and Eastern Europe strategy. The bold Huawei-related steps of Poland and the Czech Republic have attracted international attention. Yet these are only the most recent indications of the two countries’ growing frustration with China. The common denominator for both is the perception that they have… Continue reading Behind the Huawei Backlash in Poland and the Czech Republic

Slovenská politika voči Číne stavia na prázdnych rečiach

Summmit 16+1 v Sofii dokazuje nepripravenosť Slovenska na budovanie vzťahov s Čínou. Stalo sa už folklórom, že po summite s čínskym premiérom sa oznamujú bombastické plány spolupráce. Nebolo to ináč ani po poslednom stretnutí v rámci platformy 16+1 pred vyše týždňom v bulharskej Sofii. Po bilaterálnom stretnutí s Li Keqiangom, čínskym predsedom vlády, boli premiérom Pellegrinim oznámené… Continue reading Slovenská politika voči Číne stavia na prázdnych rečiach


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