Why the World Needs a Democratic Taiwan at the UN

Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the UN is far more than just a matter of the international presence of the shining democratic island nation; it is about counterbalancing China’s growing influence in international organizations. Our research fellow co-authored the article originally published by The National Interest.

Bezmoc liberálnej demokracie?

Preniknutie výtržníkov do amerického kongresu a neschopnosť Západu poradiť si s pandémiou sú darom z nebies pre propagandu autoritárskych režimov. „Milujeme vás, ste špeciálni,“ dušoval sa v krátkom príhovore k výtržníkom, ktorí prenikli do washingtonského Kapitolu, odchádzajúci prezident USA Donald Trump. Udalosť, keď pre agresívny dav vzbúrencov muselo dôjsť k prerušeniu osvedčovania výsledkov amerických volieb, je jedným z najvýraznejších offline symptómov pretrvávajúcej… Continue reading Bezmoc liberálnej demokracie?

Liberal democracy powerless?‎

The storming of the US Congress and the inability of the West to deal with the pandemic are a godsend for the propaganda of authoritarian regimes. “We love you, you’re special,” said outgoing US President Donald Trump in a brief speech to the rioters who broke into the Capitol. Capitol’s storming, which interrupted the certification… Continue reading Liberal democracy powerless?‎

Thailand: It’s young people against the military dictatorship

How to read the current wave of protest in Thailand? Do you think there is a potential they can change something or PM Prayuth Chan-o-cha’s rule is safe? Andrej Matišák polls the experts: Answers Michael Montesano, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) – Yusof Ishak Institute First and foremost, what we are… Continue reading Thailand: It’s young people against the military dictatorship

Singapore 2020 snap elections: Back to the “normal” dominance of the People’s Action Party

With the July 2020 election, Singapore’s political system returned to normalcy in non-normal times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite significant losses, the People’s Action Party (PAP) remains the predominant party. The relatively strong result of the opposition, however, demonstrates the wish of the Singaporean citizens for more pluralism and alternative narratives. Holding elections during the… Continue reading Singapore 2020 snap elections: Back to the “normal” dominance of the People’s Action Party


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