Toto je koniec Hongkongu, aký sme poznali

Autonómia sľúbená na päťdesiat rokov končí pred uplynutím prvého polčasu. Od polnoci 1. júla 2020 vstupujú v Hongkongu do platnosti nové zákony o štátnej bezpečnosti, ktoré umožňujú stíhanie občanov za tresty ako podvratníctvo či vlastizrada. Legislatíva nanútená centrálnou vládou v Pekingu dá čínskym orgánom široké právomoci na stíhanie a väznenie ľudí v Hongkongu, čím sa… Continue reading Toto je koniec Hongkongu, aký sme poznali

Investície a národná bezpečnosť: Ako sa brániť pred bezpečnostnými rizikami čínskych investícií?

Ekonomická kríza spôsobená pandémiou ochorenia COVID-19 vyvolala obavy o osud európskych firiem, a to najmä tých pôsobiacich v strategických odvetviach ekonomiky. V priebehu apríla 2020 Marghrete Verstager, viceprezidentka Komisie EÚ, varovala pred hrozbou prevzatia európskych spoločností čínskymi investormi. Toto varovanie prišlo v čase, kedy sa EÚ a viaceré členské štáty čoraz intenzívnejšie zaoberajú otázkou ekonomického… Continue reading Investície a národná bezpečnosť: Ako sa brániť pred bezpečnostnými rizikami čínskych investícií?

The role of labels amidst Japanese territorial disputes

Japan’s anglophone media reflects Tokyo’s unwillingness for a constructive dialogue over the resolution of territorial disputes with neighboring countries. Japan entered the first half of the year 2020 with several challenges on different fronts. The slow recovery after the so-called Lost Decades, the economic stagnation starting in the 1990s after the post-war economic miracle, has… Continue reading The role of labels amidst Japanese territorial disputes

Entering the Void: Chinese illicit networks in Mexico

This CEIAS paper aims to shed light on cooperation between Chinese businesses and Mexican criminal groups. It specifically analyzes cases related to drug trafficking and the exploitation of natural resources in three states in Mexico. The topic is particularly relevant for countries in Latin America that have been expanding their commercial ties with China. This… Continue reading Entering the Void: Chinese illicit networks in Mexico

China and Italy: Comparing the COVID-19 response timelines

HANGZHOU, CHINA - MARCH 17: A staff member moves anti-epidemic supplies donated for Italy on March 17, 2020 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province of China. A total of 9 tons of anti-epidemic supplies, including ICU equipment, portable color ultrasound machines and laboratory testing reagents, donated by China's Zhejiang for Italy were sent to Shanghai, and would be transported to Milan on Wednesday. (Photo by Wang Gang/China News Service via Getty Images)

At first glance, both China and Italy responded to the COVID-19 outbreak similarly. Looking closer, we discover that the scope of the measures was not the same and it produced very different outcomes. Since the COVID-19 disease began to spread, there has been a hot debate about the timeliness of various countermeasures across the globe.… Continue reading China and Italy: Comparing the COVID-19 response timelines


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