China’s fight against “erroneous opinions”

China has been trying to control narratives on the Hong Kong protests in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia. The results have been mixed at best. On August 19, the Center against Terrorism and Hybrid Threats, an agency of the Czech Interior Ministry, tweeted that since 1989 the term “erroneous opinions” is no longer used… Continue reading China’s fight against “erroneous opinions”

Násilné protesty nevedú k demokracii

Stupňovanie násilia v Hongkongu vychádza z presvedčenia, že len ostrá konfrontácia privedie vládu k ústupkom. Výskum demokratických hnutí však ukazuje, že dlhodobý úspech dosahujú len nenásilné metódy, ktoré by si mali osvojiť aj Hongkončania. Eskalácia protestov v uplynulých dvanástich týždňoch zmenila Hongkong na nepoznanie. Tradičné zábery mrakodrapov vystriedali fotoreportáže z pouličných bojov desaťtisícov ľudí, ktorí hádžu molotovove koktaily na… Continue reading Násilné protesty nevedú k demokracii

Photo report: Hong Kong protests against extradition bill

Protestors count in tens of thousands, with many more joining as tensions escalate.

CEIAS Research Fellow Martin Šebeňa is currently visiting Hong Kong, where mass protests against the government are taking place. The reason behind the prostest is the government proposed bill that would allow extradition of Honkongers and foreign nationals to mainland China, where they would face criminal investigations without the guarantees of due process. This is… Continue reading Photo report: Hong Kong protests against extradition bill


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