Taiwan’s approach towards AI

Despite being the world’s largest provider of advanced computer chips, Taiwan faces challenges in other areas related to AI development. Given Taiwan’s unique security landscape, ensuring the independence of its AI systems is essential for safeguarding its digital infrastructure and information environment. Key takeaways: Due to its political status, data on Taiwan’s LLMs and software… Continue reading Taiwan’s approach towards AI

Cambodia’s playing with Chinese fire

As Cambodian leadership continues to undermine democracy, it increasingly relies on China that provides credit, investments, military support and international backing to mitigate Western criticism and sanctions. Key takeaways: For Cambodia’s elite, the main motivation for embracing China is regime security, gained through China’s political and economic support. Chinese have built a significant economic presence… Continue reading Cambodia’s playing with Chinese fire

Taiwan faces rocky future under Trump 2.0 and the growing Sino-Russian alignment

Donald Trump’s second term, and his highly personalized approach to international diplomacy, raises concerns about US foreign policy towards Taiwan amid increasingly fortified China-Russia ties. Key takeaways: Trump’s priorities are expected to shift the focus of US-Taiwan policy from a values-based defense of democracy to a more strategic and transactional approach. Trump’s ambiguous stance on… Continue reading Taiwan faces rocky future under Trump 2.0 and the growing Sino-Russian alignment

The strategic imperative of the EU building bridges with Mongolia

Key takeaways: EU-Mongolia relations have been on a steady upward trajectory since the latter’s transition from a single-party communist state to a multi-party democracy with a market-oriented economy in the early 1990s. By strengthening bilateral relations, European leaders can promote Western principles in a region where they are sorely lacking, support Mongolia as a success… Continue reading The strategic imperative of the EU building bridges with Mongolia

Amerika hází Evropu přes palubu, Peking vycítil příležitost. Je načase přehodnotit vztahy s Čínou?

S tím, jak přibývají trhliny v transatlantických vztazích, se objevují hlasy volající po tom, aby evropské země prohloubily vazby s Čínou. Tudy ovšem cesta nevede. Přestože přístup Spojených států a Evropské unie k Číně nebyl v posledních letech zcela totožný, během prezidentského období Joea Bidena nastalo výrazné sbližování postojů a došlo i na užší koordinaci. Obě strany se soustředily na… Continue reading Amerika hází Evropu přes palubu, Peking vycítil příležitost. Je načase přehodnotit vztahy s Čínou?


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