Under the Radar: Mapping the Czech and Slovak ‎local ‎governments’ ties to ‎China

The new policy, paper prepared by CEIAS in collaboration with the Association for International Affairs, provides a comprehensive account of Czech and Slovak paradiplomatic activity towards China. Classifying and investigating sub-national relations plays a crucial role in ‎our understanding of China-Europe relations and the actors involved ‎in them. With China becoming an increasingly salient topic… Continue reading Under the Radar: Mapping the Czech and Slovak ‎local ‎governments’ ties to ‎China

CEIAS CONSIDERS: Is the Summit for Democracy a good idea?

Should Washington build its global alliances around democratic values? On Thursday and Friday this week, around 100 “democratic” countries will meet virtually for the long-planned, US-backed Summit for Democracy. But question marks have been raised over which countries have and haven’t been invited. Several of America’s key partners weren’t on the list. “CEIAS Considers” asked… Continue reading CEIAS CONSIDERS: Is the Summit for Democracy a good idea?

Medzinárodný poriadok z pohľadu Číny

Do Slovenskej národnej diskusie o budúcej strategickej koncepcii NATO prispieva skupina siedmych autorov krátkymi analýzami vybraných problémov zverejnených v dokumente nezávislej pracovnej skupiny GT NATO „NATO 2030: United for a New Era“. Súčasťou každého príspevku sú odporúčania, ktoré autori vnímajú skôr ako podnet do expertnej diskusie. Tento dokument obsahuje aj kapitolu od výskumníčky CEIAS, Barbary… Continue reading Medzinárodný poriadok z pohľadu Číny

CEIAS CONSIDERS: Can EU’s Global Gateway compete with China’s BRI?

Will the newly-launched Global Gateway investment scheme boost EU’s soft power globally? On December 1st, the European Union launched its new Global Gateway scheme, an investment initiative that aims to “boost smart, clean and secure links in digital, energy and transport and strengthen health, education and research systems across the world.” Global Gateway plans to… Continue reading CEIAS CONSIDERS: Can EU’s Global Gateway compete with China’s BRI?

China as a Narrative Challenge for NATO Member States

China is generally considered one of the greatest challenges facing NATO member states in the 21st century. Much attention has been paid to China’s decades-long meteoric economic rise which has also fuelled a massive military buildup. During the 2010s, China became increasingly assertive in its geopolitical neighbourhood, raising alarms in numerous capitals. In recent years,… Continue reading China as a Narrative Challenge for NATO Member States


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