China’s soft power in Europe: Falling on hard times

A new report by the European Thin-Tank Network on China (ETNC) analyzes the current trends in Chinese soft power across the European continent. To gain a deeper understanding of China’s changing soft power in various European countries, this report looks into: Activities and priorities of the Chinese government to build and/or utilize its soft power… Continue reading China’s soft power in Europe: Falling on hard times

What message is North Korea sending to the US and to South Korea?

Many observers were saying that Pyongyang may welcome President Joe Biden into the White House with some missile salvo. However, it did not happen yet. Amid US government saying it has been trying for weeks to make diplomatic contact with North Korea, Kim Yo-jong warned the US not to ’cause a stink’. On this occasion, Andrej… Continue reading What message is North Korea sending to the US and to South Korea?

The U.S. elections in Chinese media: The fragmented ‘American dream’ ‎and China’s rise

President Trump’s attempts to compromise the election results and the unprecedented assault on the Capitol gave China once again a chance to highlight the supposed superiority of its own political system and point out the inherent failures of democracy. News about electoral scandals along with the U.S. fiasco in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic thus largely… Continue reading The U.S. elections in Chinese media: The fragmented ‘American dream’ ‎and China’s rise

Biden a Severná Kórea – je samit možný?

North Korea

Nie je to otázka najbližších týždňov ani mesiacov, ale vylúčiť sa to nedá. Severná Kórea sa nenachádza na zozname aktuálnych kríz, ktoré identifikoval nový americký prezident Biden. Vývoj za posledných 30 rokov však ukazuje, že situácia na Kórejskom polostrove sa skôr či neskôr stane dôležitou zahraničnopolitickou agendou USA. Nie nevyhnutne z americkej iniciatívy, ale primárne ako… Continue reading Biden a Severná Kórea – je samit možný?

China in the Slovak Security Strategy: A Step in the Right Direction?

Slovakia is no longer naive about China. However, an effective policy towards Beijing is still a distant goal.  “China is significantly increasing its power potential and political influence, based on rapidly growing military capabilities, which, combined with economic strength and strategic investment, are assertively used to advance Chinese interests. China promotes its own style of… Continue reading China in the Slovak Security Strategy: A Step in the Right Direction?


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