China and Iran: Readying for a new trade and military partnership

A trade and security pact between Iran and China would be an overt challenge to the United State’s isolate Iran strategy. It would expand Chinese influence in the Middle East, creating the potential for new regional partnerships and fueling the friction in the US-China rivalry. In July, the New York Times published a leaked draft… Continue reading China and Iran: Readying for a new trade and military partnership

Rogelja & Tsimonis: Presenting China as an existential threat further deprioritizes ‎human rights (interview)‎

Researchers Igor Rogelja and Konstantinos Tsimonis have recently published an article “Narrating the China Threat: Securitising Chinese Economic Presence in Europe” in the Chinese Journal of International Politics. In their study, Rogelja and Tsimonis analyzed the process in which Chinese activities are being securitized in the EU. In this interview conducted by Richard Q. Turcsányi,… Continue reading Rogelja & Tsimonis: Presenting China as an existential threat further deprioritizes ‎human rights (interview)‎

Peace talks: What to expect from intra-Afghan negotiations?

Peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban have begun in Qatar on Saturday, 12 September 2020. On this occasion, Andrej Matišák has polled several experts on the topic and asked them two questions: What do you expect will be the result of the talks? Ultimately, a peace agreement can be probably achieved only… Continue reading Peace talks: What to expect from intra-Afghan negotiations?

Ako uchopiť Čínu v novej bezpečnostnej stratégii Slovenska?

Slovensko si v novej bezpečnostnej stratégii nemôže dovoliť naďalej Peking ignorovať. Pripraviť sa dokáže lepšie, ak sa zameria na štyri výzvy: propagandu, zneužívanie investícii, strategickú korupciu a dodávky strategických materiálov. „Myslím si, že existuje zhoda na tom, že sa Čínou bez akýchkoľvek predsudkov musíme zaoberať, a to pre výrazné politické, bezpečnostné aj ekonomické aspekty. Čína je… Continue reading Ako uchopiť Čínu v novej bezpečnostnej stratégii Slovenska?

Mongolia is Finally Having its Moment

Mongolia is finally having its moment in the Central Asian power-struggle. The landlocked country of 3 million has found itself increasingly caught between the fraught wills of China, Russia, and the United States—and it has a choice to make. Amid its growing geostrategic importance, Mongolia may be reaching a point where it is forced to… Continue reading Mongolia is Finally Having its Moment


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