The Local Dimension of China’s Belt and Road Initiative

The concept of “Silk Road Economic Belt” appeared in September 2013. In his lecture in Astana, Chinese President Xi Jinping declared the will for building cross-continental bridge connecting China and other parts of Eurasia. This proposal gave a new impetus into China cooperation with Europe. Going local Since the beginning of the 2010s the Polish… Continue reading The Local Dimension of China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Trump and Chinese Netizens’ Carnival

 “I’m not going to lie, I don’t know if you’ve come to the right place for jokes tonight”, Trevor Noah said in his Daily Show on the election night in an awkward tone. While the talented comedian was short of jokes after the winning of Donald Trump, this is apparently not the case on the… Continue reading Trump and Chinese Netizens’ Carnival

The Filipino Trump

TRIAD CONNECTION. President Rodrigo R. Duterte shows a copy of a diagram showing the connection of high level drug syndicates operating in the country during a press conference at Malacañang on July 7, 2016. KING RODRIGUEZ/Presidential Photographers Division

The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte was a dark horse when he entered the presidential race a year ago. The powerful narrative of establishing order in the southern city of Davao over his two decades as mayor by smashing drug trade and crime with iron had, helped him gain a strong following. However, his victory… Continue reading The Filipino Trump

Podivuhodný prípad smrti Lei Yanga

Môj kruh priateľov na Wechate (obdoba facebookovskej nástenky) v poslednom týždni zaplnili príspevky zdieľajúce apel na vyšetrenie záhadnej smrti Lei Yanga v rukách polície. Lei bol totiž absolventom environmentálnych štúdií na Čínskej ľudovej univerzite (Renmin University),ktorá sa na tento rok stala mojou dočasnou alma mater, a jeho prípad sa stal horúcou témou nielen v prednáškových… Continue reading Podivuhodný prípad smrti Lei Yanga

Jak číst sedmý kongres Korejské strany práce?

Se vší pompou se po dlouhých šestatřiceti letech v Pchjongjangu konal kongres Korejské strany práce, a to ve dnech 6. – 9. května. Již měsíce před vlastním zasedáním tohoto nejvyššího orgánu severokorejské vládnoucí strany, jimž kongres oficiálně je, probíhaly mezi experty a akademiky diskuse o možném obsahu této události, o posunu ve vládních politikách, změnách na… Continue reading Jak číst sedmý kongres Korejské strany práce?


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