Kristina Kironska

Advocacy Director

Kristina Kironska is a socially engaged interdisciplinary academic, with experience in election observation, research, and advocacy. She is the Advocacy Director at the Central Europe Institute of Asian Studies (CEIAS) and Assistant Professor at Palacky University Olomouc in the Czech Republic, where she co-coordinates the EU-funded project "The EU in the volatile Indo-Pacific" (EUVIP; 2023-2025). Prior to EUVIP, she was a Senior Researcher in the EU-funded project "Sinophone Borderlands - Interaction at the Edges" (2018-2022), also at the Palacky University. Since 2024, she also lectures at the Department of East Asian Economy and Society (EcoS) at the University of Vienna In the past, she lived in Myanmar, where she conducted her doctoral research and worked for a local NGO. She also lived in Taiwan for many years, where, after her studies she lectured at the University of Taipei and organized monthly public human rights talks. She still frequently visits Taiwan for her research. From 2023, she also serves as a Board Member of the European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS). In her research, she focuses mainly on IR and human rights in Southeast and East Asia. She is the author/editor of several academic articles and books, such as "Contemporary China: A new superpower" (Routledge, 2023) or "Asian Champion: All you need to know about contemporary Taiwan" (in Slovak) (Hadart, 2022). She is also the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of China Studies. She is also very invested in the protection of human rights and is an active member of the European Myanmar Solidarity Network, and currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Amnesty International Slovakia. She is fluent and articulate in eight languages. Research interests: Taiwan, Myanmar, China, international relations, human rights, public opinion


Written Articles

Chinese views of the world at the time of the Russia-Ukraine war
CEIAS Papers May 12, 2022
Chinese views of the world at the time of the Russia-Ukraine war

Richard Turcsányi, Klára Dubravčíková, Kristina Kironska, Tao Wang, James Iocovozzi, Peter Gries, Andrew Chubb, Veronika Vaseková

EU-Taiwan Tracker
Trackers May 3, 2022
EU-Taiwan Tracker

Kristina Kironska, David Hutt, Matej Šimalčík, Richard Turcsányi, Vladimíra Ličková, Yiju Chen

Ukraine visas welcome but lacking
CEIAS Insights Apr 19, 2022
Ukraine visas welcome but lacking

Kristina Kironska

Myanmar Coup Tracker
Trackers Jun 12, 2021
Myanmar Coup Tracker

Kristina Kironska, Diya Jiang, Nikola Majsniarova

Survey: Europeans’ views of China in the age of COVID-19
CEIAS Papers Mar 28, 2021
Survey: Europeans’ views of China in the age of COVID-19

Richard Turcsányi, Matej Šimalčík, Kristina Kironska, Renáta Sedláková, Tim Rühlig, Marc Julienne, Björn Jerdén, Tim Summers, Mario Esteban, Ugo Armanini |, Alessandro Albana, Jelena Gledić

Supervelmoc? Vše, co potřebujete vědět o současné Číně
Bookshelf Mar 20, 2021
Supervelmoc? Vše, co potřebujete vědět o současné Číně

Kristina Kironska, Richard Turcsányi

Slovakia and the democracies of ‎Northeast Asia: Partnerships rooted in values
CEIAS Papers Dec 31, 2020
Slovakia and the democracies of ‎Northeast Asia: Partnerships rooted in values

Matej Šimalčík, Lucia Husenicová, Kristina Kironska, Róbert Vancel

Superveľmoc? Všetko čo potrebujete vedieť o súčasnej Číne
Bookshelf Dec 28, 2020
Superveľmoc? Všetko čo potrebujete vedieť o súčasnej Číne

Kristina Kironska, Richard Turcsányi

Why using the term ‘Chinese virus’ isn’t quite right
CEIAS Insights Mar 26, 2020
Why using the term ‘Chinese virus’ isn’t quite right

Matej Šimalčík, Richard Turcsányi, Kristina Kironska, Filip Šebok

Prečo nie je dobré používať pojem “čínsky vírus”
CEIAS Insights Mar 23, 2020
Prečo nie je dobré používať pojem “čínsky vírus”

Richard Turcsányi, Kristina Kironska, Matej Šimalčík, Filip Šebok

Slovakia and China: Challenges to the future of the relationship
CEIAS Papers Jan 13, 2020
Slovakia and China: Challenges to the future of the relationship

Barbara Kelemen, Kristina Kironska, Matej Šimalčík, Richard Turcsányi, Filip Šebok

Zobrali im aj vlastné meno
CEIAS Insights Aug 23, 2019
Zobrali im aj vlastné meno

Kristina Kironska

Panorama of Global Security Environment: 2017-2018
CEIAS Insights Mar 13, 2019
Panorama of Global Security Environment: 2017-2018

Matej Šimalčík, Richard Turcsányi, Kristina Kironska

Potenciál Novej hodvábnej cesty pre Slovensko
CEIAS Papers Jan 5, 2019
Potenciál Novej hodvábnej cesty pre Slovensko

Lucia Husenicová, Kristina Kironska, Matej Šimalčík, Richard Turcsányi, Filip Šebok

Migration In East And Southeast Asia
Bookshelf Oct 7, 2016
Migration In East And Southeast Asia

Kristina Kironska, Samuel C Y Ku

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