Matej Šimalčík

Executive Director

Matej Šimalčík is the Executive Director of the Central European Institute of Asian Studies, a think tank that focuses on foreign and security policy issues related to East Asia. Matej's research looks at China’s economic and political presence and influence in Central Europe, elite relations, corrosive capital, and the role of European legal instruments in mitigating risks posed by China. In 2022, he founded the China-Europe Academic Engagement Tracker project, which aims to bring transparency to research collaborations with Chinese entities. He has a background in Law (Masaryk University, 2015) and International Relations (University of Groningen, 2016). Matej gained practical legal experience as an in-house legal counsel for the Slovak branch of Transparency International, a global anti-corruption watchdog, and several Slovak and Czech law firms.  In 2021, he was listed on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list (Slovak edition) in the Governance and Social Innovation category. He is also a member of the Expert Pool at the European Center of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE); European Think-tank Network on China; and a country reporter at the CELIS Institute, a think tank focused on investment and economic law.  Research interests: EU-China relations, EU-Taiwan relations, hybrid threats, corrosive capital, law and legal resilience


Written Articles

Bezmoc liberálnej demokracie?
CEIAS Insights Jan 13, 2021
Bezmoc liberálnej demokracie?

Matej Šimalčík

Liberal democracy powerless?‎
CEIAS Insights Jan 13, 2021
Liberal democracy powerless?‎

Matej Šimalčík

Huawei in Central and Eastern Europe: Trends and Forecast
CEIAS Papers Jan 5, 2021
Huawei in Central and Eastern Europe: Trends and Forecast

Matej Šimalčík, Ivana Karásková, Konstantinas Andrijauskas, Alicja Bachulska, Una Aleksandra Berzina-Čerenkova, Tamás Matura, Andreea Leonte

Slovakia and the democracies of ‎Northeast Asia: Partnerships rooted in values
CEIAS Papers Dec 31, 2020
Slovakia and the democracies of ‎Northeast Asia: Partnerships rooted in values

Matej Šimalčík, Lucia Husenicová, Kristina Kironska, Róbert Vancel

China’s inroads into Slovak universities
CEIAS Papers Dec 10, 2020
China’s inroads into Slovak universities

Matej Šimalčík, Adam Kalivoda

Čínska prítomnosť na Slovensku: medzi cukrom a bičom
CEIAS Papers Sep 12, 2020
Čínska prítomnosť na Slovensku: medzi cukrom a bičom

Matej Šimalčík, Barbara Kelemen, Ivana Karásková

Ako odpovie Čína na Vystrčila
CEIAS Insights Sep 3, 2020
Ako odpovie Čína na Vystrčila

Matej Šimalčík

China’s propaganda and disinformation campaigns in Central Europe
CEIAS Papers Aug 31, 2020
China’s propaganda and disinformation campaigns in Central Europe

Ivana Karásková, Alicja Bachulska, Tamás Matura, Matej Šimalčík, Filip Šebok

Handbook for stakeholders: China’s sticks and carrots in Central Europe
CEIAS Papers Jun 29, 2020
Handbook for stakeholders: China’s sticks and carrots in Central Europe

Ivana Karásková, Alicja Bachulska, Barbara Kelemen, Tamás Matura, Matej Šimalčík, Filip Šebok

China’s Sticks and Carrots in Central Europe: The Logic and Power of Chinese Influence
CEIAS Papers Jun 23, 2020
China’s Sticks and Carrots in Central Europe: The Logic and Power of Chinese Influence

Ivana Karásková, Tamás Matura, Alicja Bachulska, Barbara Kelemen, Matej Šimalčík, Filip Šebok

COVID-19 and Europe-China Relations
CEIAS Papers Apr 29, 2020
COVID-19 and Europe-China Relations

Matej Šimalčík, Richard Turcsányi

Why using the term ‘Chinese virus’ isn’t quite right
CEIAS Insights Mar 26, 2020
Why using the term ‘Chinese virus’ isn’t quite right

Matej Šimalčík, Richard Turcsányi, Kristina Kironska, Filip Šebok

Prečo nie je dobré používať pojem “čínsky vírus”
CEIAS Insights Mar 23, 2020
Prečo nie je dobré používať pojem “čínsky vírus”

Richard Turcsányi, Kristina Kironska, Matej Šimalčík, Filip Šebok

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